Working Group in
Public Opinion and Political Parties
We meet every other Thursday during the school year. The agenda varies. Some weeks we discuss work in progress by members of our community, some weeks we discuss another piece of research, and some weeks there is no set agenda. |
All Georgetown PhD students or faculty members are welcome to attend the working group. Graduate students can attend regardless of their area of specialization, who their advisors or dissertation committee members are, if they participate in other working groups or labs, or their year in the program. Those graduate students who attend frequently and occasionally present at the group can be designated as official "graduate student affiliates" of the group. Please email the coordinators if you would like this designation. |
Fall 2024 Meetings
The Group meets on Thursday mornings 9am to 10am in 450 ICC. Please note that this is a new location! Here are the preliminary meeting dates for Fall 2024.